mandag 25. januar 2010


We saw a documentary about the "right America feeling wronged," and it was about how the Republicans lost the election in 2009 in the United States.

I think the documentary is very simple and clean, and the woman behind the film does a great job at covering many views not only from the New Yorkers and residents of the bigger cities, but also those living out on the countryside. I also have to say that I think that the movie might give the wrong impression about the old Republicans of the South.


tirsdag 19. januar 2010

Tracking the progress of my senior project

Well, we started our senior projects today, and I have only settled with a topic, which is the American Dream. I've found several sources on the internet, but I have to admit that there are few lenghty ones. I've thought of a thesis statement, and it will be something like; The American Dream is not for everyone, but why is that?


tirsdag 12. januar 2010

My senior project

We have been given the task of writing a senior project, and we have been lucky enough to choose the topic ourselves.

I have looked into several different topics, varying from Barack Obama to older American politics, but what I discovered to be most interesting was The American Dream.

I will look into the history of the American Dream, especially how it all started out, and what people actually moved to, and why. I also want to know if there's still a significant amount of people that move to the US every year with the hopes of getting a better life. I will not ignore the negative sides of migration, and so I've chosen to focus on illegal immigrants in hopes of a better life. This is a very hot topic in the US, as thousands of illegal immigrants manage to run past the borders of the United States.

My senior project

For my Senior Project I will write about the American Dream, and I will include both history, and then my version of my American Dream. The question I'll try to answer is;
"What is the American Dream, and is it still a possibility?"

My New Year Resolutions

Yet another decade has passed, and it has been stamped by several devestating crises. Lives have been lost, world-economies have been shook, wars have been fought, and thousands have struggled through a 10-year period that was supposed to be giving and optimistic. All of these crises have been on an international scale, thus meaning that it affects many citizens of the world.

Now that a new year has begun, and a new decade is slowly making its mark on history, many like to share their resolutions that will change their life, either for the good or for the bad. My resolutions ain't really that much to brag about. I just think I have to remember to stay sharp at school, and make the best out of what I know, and what I am capable to achieve.

In my English-class, I will work harder with my blog posts, especially when it comes to actually writing good and thorough posts. I'll also try to work harder in all of my classes at school, so I can study whatever I want to when that time comes.
