tirsdag 2. februar 2010

A new way of working in the classroom

Mrs Michaelsen had a brand new idea of teaching today, and that was to divide the class into five different groups with different responsibilities, and our collaboration should end up with a proper and high-quality text around our topics.

The groups were as following:
  1. Front desk, responsibilities: divide material, prioritize, approve material, give time limits talk to all groups
  2. Research group, find material, and send to front desk, journalists, teachers and designers
  3. Journalists, write blogs, and send to front desk, teachers, designers
  4. Teachers, make rubrics with criteria for testing, write test questions
  5. Designers, make Glogs and Photostory with material
Anders and I were in group one, and we had the responsibility of approving material, giving out time limits to the other groups as well as organize the whole process. I think we did a pretty ok job, but I have to say that we were wrong on how much time the different groups needed. The journalists were way over time, and that kind of slowed the process down. The latter groups had to start improvising without having any material, but I think it worked out pretty good overall.

I liked this way of learning, because it was very unique. However, I think some of the groups like the front desk didn't have to do a lot, which gave us too much free time. We did however use it wisely as we read, researched on our own and also wrote a few blog entries.


1 kommentar:

  1. I think you probably had the least to do in your group and I'm glad you did use your free time wisely as you said here. And I'm also glad you like working like this too.
